
Housing Choice Voucher Information

All changes must be reported in writing by completing a “Notice of Change” form.  This can be obtained by contacting or visiting the HRA office.

Report the following within 10 days of the change:
1. Any change of income from: G.A., MFIP, Social Security, starting a job, ending a job, etc.

2. Any change in assets.

3. Any change in childcare costs.

4. If elderly/disabled, report changes in medical expenses.

5. Any changes in household composition.  Any adult moving into the household must be approved by the Red Wing HRA prior to them moving in.  Please call and schedule a meeting. 


If you would like to port out your voucher please fill out the request to port form below.

If you would like to port in your voucher please follow the porting in step by step instructions below.
