Category: News

First-Generation Homebuyer Loan Program

The First-Generation Homebuyer Loan Program is a loan for first-generation homebuyers. The loan can be used for a variety of expenses, including downpayment and closing costs. Someone may be a first-generation homebuyer if they or their parents or legal guardians have: We’re encouraging potential homebuyers to start preparing for the program now.  How can I
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SEMMCHRA – Financial Wellness & Homebuyer Services

SEMMCHRA is continuing to offer Homebuyer Services in SE Minnesota.  They have several upcoming Home Stretch classes.  The full class schedule can be found at  SEMMCHRA also offers a down payment and closing cost assistance program in Goodhue County.  Below is a flyer outlining the Goodhue County Workforce Housing Assistance Program.  SEMMCHRA recently increased
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Three Rivers Homeownership Workshop

These Workshops provide education to prospective homebuyers who want to understand the home buying process and become successful homeowners. In addition, most lenders require homebuyer certificate to approve first time homebuyers for a mortgage loan. The two-session class cover a range of topics related to homeownership. One can register through the link below.

Affordable Housing Trust Fund

Homebuyers Assistance Loan Program The Red Wing HRA is accepting applications for its AHTF Homebuyers Assistance Program. Funding for this program is made available through the Red Wing Affordable Housing Trust Fund (AHTF).  The AHTF Memorandum approved by the HRA and City has a preference for funding opportunities for workforce housing, which means at least
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